โพรโพลิสสกัดอัดเม็ด 90 เม็ด 1 เม็ด ขนาด 630 มก.

Proprolis 90 Tablets 630 mg. per tablet

Propolis Tablet contains 90% more concentrated propolis. Prevents viral infection before infecting cells by 85.2% and prevents viral infection after infecting cells by 77.2%. (Research from Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University). Reduces pain and inflammation of nerve endings (Anti-inflammatory). (Research from Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University). Reduce inflammation from fungal, bacterial and viral infections, strengthen and repair worn out tissue, enhance medical treatment and also reduce irritation and inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Benefits of Proprolis Tablet
- Propolis extract in Tablet Form 90% concentrate
- Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-allergies and anti-inflammatory properties and immune booster
- Reduces inflammation from fungal, bacterial and viral infections
- Strengthen and repair worn out tissue
- Reduces acne, inflamed acne, rashes
- Healing wound after surgery
- Reduces pain in muscles, joints and nerves.
- Healing gastric and intestine ulcers
- Support medical treatment for cancer and hepatitis B&C

Ingredient : in 1 tablet 630 mg. contains Proprolis Powder 93.73%
*Natural products. No preservative and color added.*
Suggestion : For normal health support : 1-2 tablets daily before or after meals. For
medical support or during sickness : 3-4 tablets daily before or after meals. After taking
should drink more water for high effectiveness.
Storage : Keep in dry place, out of sun light. If open, consume within 2 months.
Cautions : Children and pregnant women should not be consumed. Contains lactose.

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