Royal Jelly 30 Tablets
Royal Jelly Lyophilized Royal Jelly 360 mg. Tablet 5 times concentrated to Fresh Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a food supplement in the form of various amino acids especially 10 HAD (10 Hydroxy-2-Decenoic Acid), which help reinforce, repair and strengthen body. Many studies indicate the effectiveness and benefits of royal jelly is stimulating the productivity of antibodies in order to help strengthening immune system, removing toxic substances in human bodies and preventing the spread of cancer cells.
- Release the tiredness and stress from over working.
- Anti-aging as natural elixir
- Increase immunity for people with allergies
- Promote sexual rejuvenation and hormones
- Balance your body and stimulate metabolism
- Inhibit the growth of cancer cells
Ingredient : (in 1 tablet) Lyophilized Royal Jelly 360 mg.
*Natural products. No preservative and color added.
Suggestion : 1 tablet each time/ 3 times daily after meals or before bedtime
Storage : Keep in dry place, out of sun light. If open, consume within 2 months.
Cautions : Asthma and allergy sufferer consume under direction. |
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